Ever since I was young I loved the outdoors and cameras. At one point I wanted my own fishing show after watching countless hours of Hank Parkers outdoor magazine, little did I know in 2017 I would have the opportunity to film Hank and his close friend Keith on a whitetail hunt and ended up with some great friends.
I started White Lightning Media with a dream, a passion and a little bit of luck in 2009. Although I didn’t know it was WLM at the time, I was given the opportunity to film for a Canadian hunting TV show and spent many years thereafter playing cameraman in the woods for a couple different Canadian hunting shows. In that time I developed a passion and uncontainable love for Videography and Photographic art and knew I had to one day make it my living.
In 2010 my biggest achievement came along in the form of my daughter. I share as much passion and love for this life we get with her every chance I get.
In 2016 I bought my first piece of equipment, a Sony a6000. That was the day White Lightning “Adventures” was started. Over the years the equipment arsenal was built as needed and for branding purposes I changed the name to White Lightning Media.
My goal with WLM has always been to experience as much life as possible (That is where “adventures” came from) and share it while learning more and more skills along the way. I soon realized that many folks looked at the Adventures in the name as if I was a hiking guide… So I swapped it out for Media and got a fancy new logo done up.
On this journey I have been on, I have done a lot of amazing things, met some even more amazing people and learned from every one of them. I credit my work ethic and attention to detail to my Grandfather, my ability to always find a way to my Mom and my daily guidance through life to God. Dreams do come true and I am truly blessed to have had every opportunity that has been put before me. I am forever grateful to my friends and family and could not have done it with out you all.